If you read the book The Microbiome Effect by Toni Harman and Alex Wakeford you will learn that how your baby is born (whether vaginally or via a c-section) can impact it's long-term health. This book has been written following some emerging research that shows how vital bacteria are for human health. The human body is made up of of trillions of human cells and microbes (bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi etc). These cells and microbes live on and inside us. The bacteria inside our body help it work properly and give it the ability to fight off diseases. Our exposure to friendly bacteria during labour, birth and beyond helps develop our immune system.
Babies born vaginally, are exposed to different types of bacteria through the birth canal and around the vagina, when compared with babies that are born via C-Section deliveries. (who don't come into contact with these areas). This research indicates that C-Sections impact the development of their immune system, which in turn makes them more susceptible to non-communicable diseases. If you would like to find out more on this subject, read the dedicated blog that I have written. Follow Magical Baby Moments on its social channels: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter Comments are closed.