Maybe this is your first pregnancy and you're scared because you've never been through it. How do you even begin to imagine what it is going to be like? Do you wonder if you'll know what to expect and how you're going to feel during this experience?
Have you been through labour before? Was it not what you expected. Did it not turn our how thought or wanted? Are you looking for a better experience this time?
Are you a first-time mum? Are you a little apprehensive about what labour is going to be like? Maybe, even a little scared?
If you are anything like I was, you are probably reading books about how your pregnancy is progressing and how you can better prepare yourself for labour and birth. Perhaps you are looking into what antenatal classes are available in your area. There are lots of birth preparation classes out there, from area-to-area your choice can vary. As a hypnobirthing teacher, I want to tell you why I think this is the best and most comprehensive course available to you. The crux of hypnobirthing is about becoming more mindful about your body and your baby. Look at the journey you have been on so far in your pregnancy. How many amazing things – miracles really – have happened up until this point? It’s mind blowing!
Your body intuitively knows how to grow that little person within you. A tiny human being is developing and growing each day. Whilst you go about your day, nature knows the exact order and process in which to allow your baby to develop. For women who go into labour spontaneously, this happens at the right time – when your body and baby are ready for the next chapter. Your cervix will ripen, soften and open. For nine months, these muscles have remained tightly closed - to keep your baby protected in the uterus. In early labour, they will dilate to make way for your baby to gently make his way down into your pelvis and birth canal. Affirmations (meaning statements said with confidence about a perceived truth) have helped thousands of people make significant changes in their lives. We use affirmations in pregnancy and labour to help feel more positive about the upcoming experience.
An affirmation can work because it has the ability to program your mind into believing the stated concept. This is because the mind doesn't know the difference between what is real or what is fantasy. There are both positive and negative types of affirmations. I'm sure many of you have been told certain things about labour; how it is or how it might feel. But why does this have to be that way for you? Any unwholesome statements that we have heard can stay with us in the conscious or unconscious mind, which we then reinforce throughout our pregnancy. I'd like to think that there are lots of women out there having good birth experiences. Here are some tips on how to make your baby's birth special to you.