If you are expecting your first baby this summer and you’re looking for a calm and positive birth experience, then book yourself onto a hypnobirthing course. If you have already given birth before, then the Refresher Course is for you. The expectant mum and her birth partner will learn practical tips to stay relaxed, focused and positive in late pregnancy, labour and birth and they will come away completely informed about the possible scenarios that may arise during labour; so that they know how to make decisions wisely that are right for both mum and baby. Our online antenatal course covers all the topics and more that you will learn on either an NCT or NHS course.
If you want a course that gives you the facts about labour and birth, arms you with the information and questions to ask your caregivers, should things deviate from your plans and empowers you to take control of your birth, then look no further. If you want to hear what couples who have done a Magical Baby Moments Course thought about the course, take a look at the birth stories and testimonials. If you have any questions email: [email protected] Follow Magical Baby Moments on its social channels: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter Comments are closed.