Each month we like to share with you positive birth experiences, to show you how calm, comfortable and amazing a natural birth can be like. One video on it's own doesn't convince anyone, that's why we have a list on our Videos page, so that you can watch others.
Enjoy! Every woman is entitled to have the birth that is right for her. However, this often is NOT the case. After 8.5 months of caring and nurturing their baby on their own, suddenly the team of caregivers around her — usually midwives or obstetricians — is suggesting ‘plans of action’ should this baby not arrive ‘on time’. When really, in most cases, there is no medical reason or need to rush baby out. And there certainly isn’t any need for human meddling, which invariably leads to a medicated and uncomfortable birth.
Some people might laugh at me when I say that labour can be comfortable and enjoyable. Maybe they think I am nuts. (I guess I am a little!) However, I can put my hand on my heart and say that the contractions, for both of my children, didn’t really cause me any real discomfort. I am by no means a warrior, nor do I have any super powers; in fact I am quite a weakling when it comes to muscle power in everyday tasks. What I did possess in the lead up to both labours was information, tools and techniques.
By preparing yourself with hypnobirthing you increase your chances of the birth that you want, often without the need for medical intervention. If you need to have a planned C-section, hypnobirthing can help you prepare for that birth too, in a calmer, more informed way.
There are different types of antenatal preparation to get ready for the birth of your baby. One of them is hypnobirthing. I am a KG Hypnobirthing instructor based in Romford, Essex. In 2017, I wrote The Power of Hypnobirthing: 10 reasons why it’s for you. I am a firm advocate that hypnobirthing can benefit every mother, in every pregnancy. Let me tell you why...
Hypnobirthing may conjure up certain images in your head. But don't be put off by the word. Hypnosis doesn't put you in some altered state of reality. It doesn't make you do things you wouldn't normally do — it only puts you in an altered state of consciousness. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis — only you can put yourself into a ‘hypnotic state’. If you're pregnant and looking for an all-encompassing antenatal course that not only teaches you about late pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond, but also teaches you how to approach labour with calm confidence, then book yourself and your birth partner onto a hypnobirthing course with Magical Baby Moments.
A hypnobirthing course is a comprehensive course that takes you through what to expect, and how to be prepared, for labour and birth. Find out what is covered by reading the course modules. "I would definitely recommend a hypnobirthing course with Christine. It has helped me prepare for a stress-free labour." Romford Hypnobirthing Course - Evenings The Group Evening Hypnobirthing Course is a four-week programme taking place in Rush Green, Essex. The lessons run between 8pm and 10:30pm. If you prefer a weekend course, check for availability on the website. What people thought of Magical Baby Moments "I have thoroughly enjoyed every session. I feel much more knowledgeable and confident that I can do this! Relax, relax, relax!" Read more testimonials and birth stories from past couples who have been on the course. Book your place now Places on each course are limited. But if the date is showing on the calendar, then there are still spaces available - so you can book your place right now. If you prefer to pay by bank transfer email: [email protected] Want to read more about what a hypnobirthing course will offer you, read the first chapter of this book for free, email [email protected] Follow Magical Baby Moments on its social channels: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter Hypnosis is believed to work by changing our state of consciousness. The conscious control of the mind is inhibited, and the subconscious mind awoken. What is hypnosis?Hypnosis usually involves the person experiencing a sense of deep relaxation. Their therapist will focus on appropriate suggestions to help them make positive changes. In a hypnotherapy session you are always in control and you are not made to do anything. It is generally accepted that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Your therapist facilitates the experience. Hypnotherapy aims to reprogramme patterns of behaviour within the mind. It works to overcome irrational fears, negative thoughts suppressed emotions and phobias. What can hypnotherapy help with?​Hypnotherapy can be used for to many psychological, emotional and physical disorders. It can help the disabled and those facing terminal illness. It can overcome addictions such as smoking and alcoholism. It can help people with weight control. It relieves pain in surgery and dentistry. It is even beneficial in obstetrics. 'Hypnobirthing' is a form of antenatal education. Self-hypnosis and positive mindset preparation for birth is reinforced during the course. Hypobirthing can shorten the delivery stage of labour and reduce the need for pain relief. How successful is hypnotherapy?People's success with hypnotherapy varies. It depends on the willingness of the patient. Hypnotherapy generally requires several sessions to achieve meaningful results. Self-hypnosis techniques can be practiced outside of hypnotherapy sessions, to reinforce the effectiveness. With the right practitioner permanent changes can occur. What should you consider when undertaking hypnotherapy
If you would like to give yourself a positive and enjoyable birth experience, book a hypnobirthing course. It is a comprehensive antenatal class. It provides you all the pregnancy and labour information you need. And it also provides you with a toolkit for relaxation and calmness for labour. What's not to like about that? Follow Magical Baby Moments on its social channels: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter It’s vital to have someone there who you are confident that they will support you. It's important that they know your hopes, feelings and preferences for the birth. They need to be confident about your preferences, so that they are able to speak up for you, if needed.
So while that makes sense, why are so many people still put off by it? Maybe they it is something that isn’t quite for them because they don’t fit that ‘group’? Trust me when I say that hypnobirthing is for anyone and everyone.
Who should do hypnobirthing? It isn’t just for the yummy-mummy and lentil-lovers. It doesn't change who you are or make you do things you wouldn't normally do. It's having a deeper understanding of what your body is doing during labour and using tools to make it more comfortable and easier. There are techniques and positions that can help optimise your labour. Using them, helps labour progress faster than those labours that don't use these simple and effective tools. What does a hypnobirthing course cover? A hypnobirthing class teaches all the possible scenarios that could present during labour and birth. By having the information ahead of time gives you time to digest what this means. All procedures carry risks and benefits, its about understanding the situation and finding out what it means for you and your baby. A hypnobirthing course prepares you to make the right decisions. So if you've been put off by media, friends and family that labour is a painful and horrible event, it's not true. Most hypnobirthing mothers will tell you that their labour and birth was calm and comfortable. Those who really relax and trust in nature, usually do so without the need for medical intervention. Let me help you to achieve this for your birth I teach the KGHypnobirthing method. A KGHypnobirthing course is usually 10-12 hours of teaching, and this can be done either through evening or weekend classes. If you live near Romford, Essex, I would love to help you achieve a calm and confident birth. Find details of upcoming hypnobirthing classes in Romford, Upminster and Thurrock. Buy the book Buy The Power of Hypnobirthing; 10 reasons why its for you to understand the benefits of a hypnobirthing course. Only £5.99 on Amazon. Follow Magical Baby Moments on its social channels: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter |